31st of july 2007 - csl mercury free fluvax
18th feb 2004 - csl mercury free fluvax
men better to get the flu vaccine in the morning
i do think the one snag with the flu vaccine is it is way harder on the brain than several flu's spread over a while - to many brain matching antigens at once!
eileen says i got quite depressed for three days after the last flu vaccine, so i might skip it this year (april 2008)
the flu antigens in the vaccine must match some brain molecules so the immune system gets to work on the brain as well, makes me wonder how it ever figures out to leave alone what the vaccine has started
apparently this is an issue with the H5N1 flu and parkinsons being
induced from migration of the virus from the stomach, through the nerves to the brain, tho the virus is supressed/killed by the immune system the inflamation continues
adequate vitamin D, especially skin vitamin D levels, will help limit the amount of neurological damage from the vaccine
lymph moving exercises are a significant help in reducing the effect of flu and cold viruses
mushrooms may have an adjuvant effect as may hydrogen peroxide
vaccinating children annually against influenza virus interferes with their development of cross-reactive killer T cells to flu viruses generally study
basically that's saying that children should not be vaccinated against the flu unless the circumstances are exceptional !
while immunity is boosted against strains in the vaccine, immunity is decreased against strains not covered by the vaccine, so it's not just pandemic flus that consistently flu vaccinated children will be susceptible to, but also some portion of what goes around each year, but is not covered by the vaccine !
you can go further and say the flu vaccine has an intrinsic fault of presenting too broad a selection of non conserved antigens !
so the flu vaccine will potentially overstimulate the immune system, create a skew immune
response, probably damaging body tissue (including the brain) as well depending on the antigens and degree of inducted immune response !
asprin and tylenol inhibit the COX-1 enzyme
the effect of this inhibition is to seriously downgrade the immune systems generation of antibodies to the vaccine
“If our results show that COX-1 inhibitors affect vaccines, the takeaway might be to not take drugs, such as aspirin, Tylenol and ibuprofen, for a couple weeks before and after you get a vaccine.” study
eating plenty of mushrooms would be a good idea if you have a pandemic flu !
this is because they are a natural killer T cell stimulant !
“ researchers found that immune cells called, natural killer T cells, may reduce the overwhelming numbers of inflammatory monocytes, which when present in large numbers, lead to lung injury at the end stage of severe flu infection.”
didn't take any fish oil that day, took some retinyl acetate before going into town, took some vitamin K2 an hour? after the injection and some germanium that night and it seems to have gone quite well, feeling energised
the supplements and lack of fish oil and vitamin d have hopefully had an adjuvant effect promoting semi-permanent? immune system recognition of the flu virus proteins in the vaccine
uh oh immune stimulation may have not been such a good idea, see the paragraph on dr. andrew moulden in the section below
when i look at my write up below on 2004, i was low iodine/thryoid at that stage and eating too much fish so its a bit bizarre, they also made me wait for an hour with very limited top clothing so maybe i picked up a virus as well. this time around the injection was given immediately
CSL is an australian manufacturer of vaccines
the flu virus is constantly mutating so new mutants get past even healthy immune systems, hopefully the vaccine covers a fair portion of these new mutants
when i was a kid you might get a flu once every two or three years, the frequency of these viruses is so high now that a flu shot if it works would be worthwhile, but there is some damaging neural heft with the flu vaccine
the design technology of vaccines has along way to go, there's new research showing that the antigens need to excite specific populations of killer t cells
i wonder if the vaccine made me depressed the next night (1st of August), i am beginning to understand the issues with vaccines
in this case some of the flu antigens must match some brain molecules so the immune system gets to work destructively on the brain as well, makes me wonder how it ever figures out to leave alone what the vaccine has started
someone i know is of the opinion this vaccine affected me adversely
in fact dr. andrew moulden says that hyper immune stimulation from a vaccine causes microvascular strokes in the brain, so in fact taking retinyl acetate, k2, and germanium as immune stimulants and not taking fish oil or vit d (immune supressors) may have not been such a good idea
his web page with a good explanation and photos
rather depressing really, on top of all the other issues there's a substantial footprint of microvascular strokes in the brain from vaccines
it may be worth getting a flu vaccine, for yourself at least
k2 and vit a would help as adjuvenants
the problem with the flu vaccine is it also excites some immune action against the brain, in my case i think the effect was similar to getting the flu once so on balance it is worthwhile
i did get a mild case of this influenza A wisconsin-like flu that is going around australia and the usa (august 2007), but this was from a severe exposure 9 days after getting the vaccine (grrrr!), whereas i have read that you need 14 days after the vaccine to get immunity
oddly this flu makes the lower back sore and may make you susceptible to annular tears in the lower back disks, msm as per the compendium greatly helps with this
retinyl acetate really helps with this flu, fish oil has the opposite effect
how flu vaccines work:
They take about five virus strains then dice them up, the diced bits are various antigens
The bits are cross referenced across a lot of viruses
The protection you get depends on the closeness of match of the new
virus surface protiens to the diced antigens
The vaccine has a broad spectrum action against flu virsues which is a signficant help.
when i had that depression a day or so after getting the vaccine, thats not getting the flu but my bodies immune response attacking the brain a bit, because some of the brain molecule proteins are similar to the vaccine antigens
plus the body thinks it has the flu
the last thing you want getting a vaccine is bad viral exposure with a long wait and proximity to viral shedders in the doctors waiting room, this needs to be minimised
you should be well and the weather dry when getting a vaccine
with vaccine adjuvenation you don't want any herbal supplements as these will upset the immune system, vitamin k2 is the most important and ra may be helpful but don't overdo the ra
injection 3.30pm. took about 1/4 of an allergy a about an hour before hand. another 1/2 and allergy a that night before bed and 3/4 of an allergy a the next morning.
sunglasses to retain retinyl a in retina
19th feeling a tad blah, take it easy for a day. want to imprint the immune response. 3.30pm needed a rest, like a little flu. arm was a bit sore in the morning.
for males no emission from about three days before and up to two weeks afterwards is important to get the full imprint and reduce the chances of picking up another infection since emission takes nutrients from the immune system in a major way. i don't know wether vaccines are better given at some point or other in the female cycle, it seems likely.
i think the thing is you are trying to maximise the immune response over the first day of the vaccine and maybe the next day as well and since you taking it to avoid the flu then not getting the flu later in the year pays for the time to be a bit careful in the early days of the vaccine.
the bulk of the immune response may be in the first day after the vaccine and you would want to keep away from any sources of viral infection, also it pays i think to get the flu vaccine as soon as it comes out before everyone else as there may be odd infective viral resonances as people get the vaccines and go through this temporary susceptibilty to other viruses.
post on yahoo enzymes and autism:
"yesterday was sorta blahy and rested for a while in the afternoon, but today i think i am over it.
so whats critcal is the immune response in the first 24 hours to several days .............
i took a bit of allergy a about an hour before getting the vaccine and later as per (above).
from when the vaccine is given and that first 24 hours and longer is a vulnerable period where the immune system is taking precious resources from holding all the other viruses fungi etc. back and is also very vunerable to picking up any outside/airborne infection.
people who get the 'flu' a while after getting the vaccine may be displaying some background viral illness they already have or have picked up something new in this vulnerable window in the first days after getting the vaccine.
i don't like having to wait in a doctors surgery for the vaccine because of the exposure to other viruses and hospitals would also be a bad place to get vaccines, and nurses and doctors, because they generally carry things like staph and viruses to a suprising degree, are not good people to give the vaccines or even to see immeadiately before getting a vaccine. also you should keep away from things like school the day of and the day after having the vaccine.
triple live vaccines are a disaster by this logic since a disoriented immune system may allow even attenuated live viruses to become unnaturally resident in cells.
also all vaccines need some spacing like maybe several weeks between vaccines. you can see the logic of not having any illness when getting a vaccine and all the thyroid minerals(iodine, zinc, selenium etc.) and vitamin d tamped up. whey is a good immune booster, but sadly is abiofilm feeder. live virus vaccines may well need spacing of months. boosters or vaccines given when the illness has already been had may destroy previous immunity.
not having thimerosal in this flu vaccine was a big bonus and i think it has gone well.
bascially when the vaccine is given the immune system becomes very depressed for at least several days for dead virus vaccines, i don't know that the viral material will last much longer in the blood with a healthy immune system, but if there is metal toxicity and background infections you can see the potential for real problems. undeveloped immune systems(babies, young children) would also have issues about being unable to clear dead viral material and hypering the immune system or allowing background viruses to resurge maybe permanently. i imagine the herpes virus family is bad for this."
responses to dead virus vaccines are a good indication of immune system health and response imo. hair tests should be mandatory for all children before giving first vaccines to check for mineral transport order and hence heavy metal status.
20th feb migraine. may have been in reaction to the vaccine which would not be entirely unexpected.
22, 23 rd of feb migraine/flu reaction? fri 27th, finally over the flu vaccine? so the induced immune response is fairly substantial and has run nine days. i have been taking twinlabs allergy a(retinyl acetate) occasionally over this period as an immue boost amd to help with symptoms.
11th of march seasons first cold............allowing a week for the cold to develop then the flu vaccine wants to have been at least two weeks before catching the cold, so getting the vaccine on the 18th was about right.
Birmingham, U.K. – July 9, 2008 – A new study in the journal Psychophysiology reveals that men, but not women, vaccinated in the morning produced a better peak antibody response to both hepatitis A and the influenza strain.
Led by Anna Catriona Phillips of the University of Birmingham, researchers assessed the response to a hepatitis A vaccine in young healthy adults and also examined responses to the annual influenza vaccination in older community-based adults.
In the first study, participants consisted of 75 University of Birmingham students who were vaccinated with the hepatitis A vaccine during a morning session (10 am to 12 pm) or early evening session (4 pm to 6 pm). In the second study, 90 older adults attended their medical practice for the annual influenza vaccination and received the vaccination in the morning between 8 am and 11 am or in the afternoon between 1 pm and 4 pm.
Men vaccinated in the morning showed the strongest immune response. Almost twice as many men showed a twofold increase in antibody response when vaccinated in the morning as opposed to the afternoon. >